Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Strong Econ Data from China

Strong China Mfg data tonight- 50.5 vs. 49.6 exp.  Should translate into a strong open and a test of 1330 on the S&P tomorrow...

Tuesday SP500 Market Action

Interesting day today!  Markets gapped higher on the open but reversed when weak PMI and housing data hit the headlines.  Looked like the selloff could gather steam but dip buyers stepped in to save the day.

I bought specific energy names on weakness today including CLNE and NOG...

Keep in mind, both those names are highly speculative plays.  CLNE is Boone Pickens Nat Gas fueling company (which has tons of potential by the way) and NOG is a non-operated Bakken play.  Buying these names with the SP500 near monthly highs is a bit risky, but I'm expecting some positive news out of both these names in the near future.

Remember, this site is about to start rockin' with energy info.  By next week you'll see tons of info throughout the day... and it's all going to be about trading energy stocks.

More tomorrow,



Monday, January 30, 2012

Greece... again... really?

Renewed worries over the Greek debt situation caused a bit of worry for investors today.  Markets responded by selling off early, but stocks rallied into the close.  The Nasdaq had an especially nice turnaround today with Apple (AAPL) leading the way higher.

As far as energy stocks go, I saw quite a bit of weakness early across most names, but I used this morning's pullback as a buying opportunity.  I'll get into specific energy names I'm trading as well as few names I'm researching in a few days.  I'm rearranging my work life to focus more on this blog... but it's gonna take a week or so to get it done.

So that's it for today...

Remember, this blog is for short-term traders with a time horizon of a couple days to a few weeks.  If you're a buy and hold type investor go ahead and use my research but keep in mind... I'm buying and selling the names I'm talking about on a consistent basis.  I will fully disclose my positions in stocks I'm talking about if I have them.

There's a lot of great energy stock trading information coming your way soon, so get ready!

til next time,


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ok folks, here's the deal... I've been extremely busy over the past few months. As a result, I haven't been able to post to this blog nearly as much as I would like. Postings have been sporadic at best, and I'm sorry for that. But things are changing... Over the next few weeks I'm changing my work schedule. These changes will allow me to focus on this blog and the profit opportunities it's going to provide.

You'll see more market commentary, more research, and most importantly- more trading opportunities. And remember, this site is free! Use the information you find here to assist you in pulling money out of the markets- one trading opportunity at a time. The only thing I ask is that you give a small percentage of your profits to charity.  This blog is my way of making this world a better place.

So keep an eye on this site. I promise you, you're going to see top-notch energy stock trading ideas and astute market commentary by the truckload very soon. I look forward to the coming year and the massive profit opportunities it will provide!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Shale Buyout Boom...

The US shale oil buyout boom continued today with Apache (APA) buying out private producer Cordillera Energy for $2.8 billion. This isn't the first, and certainly isn't the last deal in this space. Huge opportunities for investment in carefully selected US shale oil companies. More to come...