Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ok folks, here's the deal... I've been extremely busy over the past few months. As a result, I haven't been able to post to this blog nearly as much as I would like. Postings have been sporadic at best, and I'm sorry for that. But things are changing... Over the next few weeks I'm changing my work schedule. These changes will allow me to focus on this blog and the profit opportunities it's going to provide.

You'll see more market commentary, more research, and most importantly- more trading opportunities. And remember, this site is free! Use the information you find here to assist you in pulling money out of the markets- one trading opportunity at a time. The only thing I ask is that you give a small percentage of your profits to charity.  This blog is my way of making this world a better place.

So keep an eye on this site. I promise you, you're going to see top-notch energy stock trading ideas and astute market commentary by the truckload very soon. I look forward to the coming year and the massive profit opportunities it will provide!!