Friday, March 23, 2012

Big insider buying on WPRT at $44.30 last week- near 52 week highs.  That's a vote of confidence for the nat gas switch if I ever saw one...

CLNE is also at 52 week highs.  Already sold out for nice profits on this one, but now wishing I hadn't.  Waiting patiently for another entry...
Iranian exports dropping 300k bpd is definitely bullish for oil.  I am trading US based onshore E&P companies on the news....  NOG, TPLM, SSN, CRK

Also getting interested in HEK at these prices... good play on water treatment in various oil and gas fields...

Mid day update:  oil holding strong along with E&Ps.  Like NFX right here.  Left for dead Bakken producer with big upside.  I am long June35 Calls...

Update on NFX: good upside volume at 52 week lows...